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Richmond Operations Update

Virginia Ops

We would like to pass along several items of communication, some new and some reminders to keep you in the know:

  • NEW PEDS MONITORING BAGS ON LP15’s: There is a new sealed bag being added to each LP15 which contains a pediatric BP cuff, and pulse ox; these should be stored in the back pocket with the batteries. Please ensure that the bag is present and sealed when you get your batteries, and please see OPS for any discrepancy. We are searching for a more user friendly bag for these, so stay tuned. Please remember that it is acceptable to obtain a BP on an infants leg, which these cuffs should fit a normal size / weight one month old to one year of age. TIP: The pulse ox can be placed on the foot as well, either around the lateral aspect of the foot with the LED transmitting through by the 5th tarsal, or around the great toe for larger infants. Then place a sock back on and you’re set to go, that way their hands are free to do all those baby things they are busy with.

  • FAST SCREENING: We need to re-focus our vigilance on FAST screening compliance, so please make sure you have completed the job by finishing the QR code screening BEFORE you step past the entrance to go clock in so we don’t forget. To help, we have added a reminder in the truck check-off to prompt you and your partner to make sure we are compliant. I know you all have a lot on your mind when you report to work (just as we do), but this is a GMR requirement for us to be safe to report to work, so please make sure this is completed.

  • DECON TRUCKS AT END OF SHIFT: With the flu going around, and COVID on the rise, please take a moment after you pull your personal belongings off at the end of shift to liberally spray the cab down with Pro-Tec, with a quick wipe of frequently touched areas like driver controls, door handles and seats, while avoiding glass surfaces; then leave the cab and slide doors ajar(inside the bay) to let things air dry. We want to maintain a clean and safe workplace for us all, and it’s up to us to do that. Thank you for your diligence.

  • FACILITY PUMP QR CODE: Now that we have our new pumps deployed, it is increasingly important that we use the QR code for taking facility pumps so that we can ensure and document their return. We spend a lot of time in OPS and at the Supervisor level chasing these down when it would be much easier if they were in the database; so please help us help you by freeing up time for other things like payroll and helping crews by checking these pumps out and back in. THANK YOU!

  • NEW BOOK-OFF TOOL FOR ILLNESS SCREENING: Due to the increase in COVID infections, and to reduce missed reporting of illness, we have a new book-off procedure when you call in; these are a set of questions similar to the FAST screening which are optional for you to answer. Please understand that we do not intend to be intrusive, however we want to make sure you are directed to the MAST line if it’s appropriate.

  • TOUGHBOOK CHARGERS IN TRUCKS: Please fill out a vehicle repair request form for any trucks missing a ToughBook charger and hand it to OPS so we can get that taken care of.

  • OPS WINDOW STATUS: Every day in OPS, many issues pass through and some require privacy and confidentiality. Please consider the situation “inside the fishbowl” if you find the window closed when you walk up, and be considerate. Please politely knock and if you are asked to wait, understand it is usually because of a situation that requires privacy or detailed attention. Thank you for your professional understanding.

  • DOCUMENT BELONGINGS: Another area that is taking up a lot of resources and time is tracking down reports of missing personal belongings, often several days after we have transported our patient. Please be sure to document in your narrative on belongings / bags / canes / walkers, etc. that you transport with the patient and where they are turned over. The first place we look is at the ePCR, so help us out with this please; that way you’ll get less question from us! Thanks for your attention to detail.

Lots of info here, but all important to help us be safe and efficient.

Thank you, our fellow EMS Professionals!

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